Nothing beats a concession trailer with bathroom for your personal comfort. When you have facilities right there, you never need to shut down for extended periods of time to stand in line at a park or festival restroom. Forget porta-potties with questionable hygiene! Enjoy privacy, security, and relief any time you need it.
The best food trailers with living quarters even include a small shower stall. How hot and sweaty do you get working in a hot kitchen all day long during the summer? Nothing refreshes you better – and removes the scent of grilled meat, kettle corn, or deep fryers – more than a shower. They are indispensable for overnight sales trips.
A concession trailer with bedroom makes things even more comfortable. Even if you do not spend time overnight, the extra space for comfort and relaxation makes break time that much better. Get off your feet for a while and stretch out. The real benefits come from longer trips, however. Just imagine not having to scrunch into your truck’s front seat and wake up with a sore back and crick in your neck. You will never have to pay for an expensive hotel room again and worry about the security of your food trailer all night either.
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Where do you currently park your mobile food trailer to attract hungry customers? No matter where it is, you undoubtedly have to pack up and head home or back to a storage lot at the end of the day. That seriously limits venue choice and how much you can earn for multi-day events.
Imagine the advantages of having a live-in concession trailer with bedroom and bathroom facilities tucked securely inside. Spend the night or a whole week at the festival grounds and expand your income exponentially. You do not have to limit yourself to events in your area, either. With comfort on hand, you can book spots at popular places farther away and reap the benefits. Also, this gives you the opportunity to help out in areas affected by natural disasters or similar situations where hot food and beverages would be a true blessing.
Concession trailers with living quarters provide so many advantages even if you do not frequently sell at multi-day events. You do not have to wear yourself out with no comfortable breaks or lose revenue when shutting down for long treks to the restrooms when you have these amenities right inside your incredible mobile kitchen food trailer.